Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Animal Rights... Stop animal cruelty!

Ever think of giving animal rights a second thought? Maybe it's not advertised enough, or not talked about much around your environment. I can tell you one thing. Avoiding the subject is not always the best solution. I know people know about it but they "THINK" they're to "busy" to even pay close attention to our animal resource. I understand why people don't support animal resource as much as we should. I used to be blind to the fact of animal cruelty. I didn't care about what happend outside of Ontario. I just cared about myself,my family and most of all my group of friends. It never occured to me that  i could help out and be a supporter for campaigns of animal rights. Now i am aware of whats happening outside of my bubble. I'll make sure i'll support. :) And hopefully you'll open your eyes and realize it too.

After reading "The Dark Ones" I felt sad and sorry for everyone of those seals who were killed. It made me really think about what people actually do to animals for women and men. They kill seals for their skin or blubber to make cosmetics out of it. I started to think more and more. I thank the author for making the story tell it's story by a seal explaing the pain and hurt. Thanks to the author and book, for making me more aware and to support Animal Rights.

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